Internal Audit Templates

By Aluciant

Additional Templates have been uploaded for the use of colleagues.
These cover the internal audits that may be conducted on board vessels operating globally.

Conducting an Inspection – Part 7: Follow Up

By Aluciant

Now that you have traveled to and from the location safely, with all the resources and equipment necessary to complete the inspection, you had the close-out meeting and everyone was ecstatic, you even submitted the report to the client on time! You are all done and can move on to the next project right?.
Following up with clients is integral to the development of your business.

Conducting an Inspection – Part 6: Reporting

By Aluciant

As a consultant you are in the service industry, no matter what you may think, you are servicing your client’s needs and your end product is your report.
Here we discuss the basics for reporting back to the client.